Director of Research at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Laboratory of Law and Social Change, CNRS/University of Nantes, France
Luc Bodiguel is Chargé de Recherche with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France. He is “entitled to supervise researches” (doctoral thesis)” and teaches agricultural law and policy, farm contracts, sustainable development and environment law at the University of Nantes and Tours. He edited with M. Cardwell a book on Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms (2010). He published a wide range of articles on the CAP, agricultural law, food law and environmental law. He is part of the Scientific Committee of the University of Nantes Diploma on the Environment and Sustainable Development of Land; he serves on the executive committee of the European Council for Agricultural Law, of the World Union of the Academic Agrarians and on the French Association of Agricultural Law.
In collaboration with Terres en ville, it has set up the website This site provides interested actors with a legal knowledge base and practical experiences on the possibilities of action of local authorities in the field of local food. This database aims to shed light on the strategic approaches and projects of local authorities in the field of local food, whether or not they have the "territorial food project" label.